’Twas the night before iMac, when all through the house Not a hard drive was whirring, not a click of a mouse Young William was nestled all snug in his bed In a house situated on a mound that was red His dreams were all filled with world domination Which brought to his heart several mild palpitations The technology, the information, he’d ebb the flow That would make it to the people in the village below But all of a sudden sprang from his grey matter Something that made all his dreams break and shatter When, what to his wondering eyes should he see But a computer designed for you and for me He sprang from his bed and he flew to the stand To see with his eyes this vision firsthand The moon on the breast of the bondi-blue case Gave the lustre of oceans or a magical place More rapid than eagles, it ran at great speed, And to locate a plug there was nary a need No BIOS, no DOS, no Execute Bats He soon expected gremlins in cute pointy hats! Its case—how it twinkled! Its colors so merry! Its industrial design seemed so light and so airy! His droll little mouth was now drawn in a frown In the words of Mike Tyson, “We’re going down.” A wink of his eye and a twist of his head, Soon gave him the proof he had something to dread This was no illusion, this wasn’t a dream This was for real and did not fit his scheme He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work Hoping to unmask some flaw or some quirk But to his surprise as he worked through that night He discovered this wonder made computing seem right! Could it be possible? Could this be true? Computing’s not really a hard thing to do!?! “This is great fun,” as a smile played his face And he felt all goose-bumpy as he hugged the blue case! So on August 14th in the year ’98 We’re on the approach of something so great That Bill might exclaim, with sadistic delight, “An iMac for all and for all a good night!” Copyright © 1998 Frank Petrie, .